Movember is coming!
This time, Estonishing Evenings will look into the lives of Estonian men, and other men who live in Estonia.
What is it really like to be a modern man in Estonia? What are the most common stereotypes of men and how to live up to them? Is it easy to make male friends? How strong are the gender roles in Estonia? What are the differences in dating culture compared to other countries? How the native and non-native men cope with the highest number of supermodels per capita?
We have invited four modern men to our panel discussion. These lovely gentlemen include:
* Justin Petrone – An American writer, blogger and journalist, best known for his “My Estonia” trilogy.
* Margus Vaher – An Estonian singer, musician, author of the book, “Tee mehe südamesse” (“A way to a man´s heart”), and performer at the comedy show, “Mida mehed tahavad?” (“What do men want?”)
* Louis Zezeran – An Australian stand-up comedian and co-founder of Comedy Estonia.
* Jorgen Matsi – An Estonian psychologist working as a personal coach at Pipedrive
Jorgen Matsi
personal coach
Jorgen Matsi is currently working as a personal coach at Pipedrive. Previously, he has been working as a psychotherapist, sport psychology counsellor, and a teaching and research assistant in the University of Tartu. He is also running Võimla – one of the biggest mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiu jitsu gyms in Estonia, being a local pioneer in both of those combat sports.
Justin Petrone
Justin Petrone is a writer, best known for his "My Estonia" trilogy of books. He works as a journalist and is a regular contributor to multiple publications, including Estonian daily, "Postimees", and the magazine "Hingele Pai". He has lived on and off in Estonia since 2003 and has three daughters. He is currently writing a new book called "My Viljandi".
Louis Zezeran
Stand-up comedian
Australian Louis Zezeran is one of the cofounders of Comedy Estonia that has led the development of stand-up comedy in Estonia. Starting with a degree in computer science, Louis eventually made the move into theatre production and marketing in Sydney.
Over the course of the last six years, Louis has established himself not only as a comedian but as a media personality, writing for the local version of the Cosmopolitan magazine, hosting a show on “Raadio 2”, speaking at conferences and hosting many private events.
Margus Vaher
singer, writer
Margus is a professional singer and musician for over 11 years and has released five albums. He is also one of the authors and performers (together with Eero Spriit and Jesper Parve) of the popular stand up show, "Mida mehed tegelikult tahavad?" ("What do men really want?") that has had over 100 performances all over Estonia. Margus has written two books – the bestseller, "Tee mehe südamesse" ("The way to a man´s heart") in 2018, and a brand new book called "Kuidas armastada naist?" (How to love a woman?") that came out this week.